​​​Cultural geographer and residency host Rosa Cerarols believes culture offers innovative solutions to challenges in Spain's non-urban areas.
European Cultural Foundation en DutchCulture roepen alle politieke partijen op om bij nieuwe kabinetsformatie de versterking van de cultuursector te agenderen.
In een reeks online sessies maken we Europese fondsen en subsidieprogramma's toegankelijker voor makers, culturele instellingen en professionals in Nederland.
We offer 5 online sessions to make European funds more accessible to creators and cultural organizations in the Netherlands and beyond.
Een korte terugblik op een inspirerende en leerzame dag over internationale culturele samenwerking voor gemeenten en provincies.
Voices of Culture has published a report on the role the cultural and creative industries can play in the green transistion and the support they need.
DutchCulture joined EUNIC's Climate Culture(s) Creative Lab in Berlin and contributed to a report on climate & international cultural relations
A new approach to intimate scenes on film sets: looking back on our networking dinner Get Intimate With Us at the Berlinale Film Festival 2023.
Author Jaap Scholten has written a personal story on the role of art & culture in times of war, for the occasion of our visitors programme Ukraine in September.
We set up a cross-EU/Europe thematic team to strengthen European cultural relations and collaborations, and participate in EU/Europe-themed events.
In two pieces we shed light on the reflection of European values from policy to practice. This is article #2.
In two pieces we shed light on the reflection of European values from policy to practice. This is article #1.
This report is the outcome of the OMC working group (Open Method of Coordination), established by the European Commission.
A live dual interview with comic artists Dido rachman (NL) and Christian Durieux (B) about working together and the connection between Belgium and Netherlands.
Many of Charleroi's cultural organizations opened their doors to showcase artistic works from Dutch makers at the multidisciplinary cultural festival Canaux.
This paper explores the potential for the Dutch cultural sector to engage in European cooperation and shape future European cultural policy.
In this publication we show the added value of our visitors programmes, such as building lasting relationships, and highlight some of the most rewarding visits.
DutchCulture's Europe + Heritage programme supports European heritage projects. Read about inspiring examples of the past two years.
A follow-up report looking further into the knowledge gaps in the cultural sector that contribute towards inequalities for disabled artists and audiences.
Rather than acting just as cv embellishers and feel-good providers, artist residencies can be places where care and sustainability is applied in practice.